Passive 2-way Trapezoidal Enclosure

General Details

The newest additions to the celebrated JF Series of 2-way loudspeakers redefine the concept of application flexibility. The integration of premium neodymium components and legendary crossover design in an incredibly adaptable package offers unprecedented utility.

All models natively offer a combination of portable features and M10 installation points. Available universal accessories include trim plates that hide handles and provide a connection point for u-brackets, quick release flytrack segments that integrate into any enclosure and adjustable legs for use as a stage monitor. Add revolutionary EAW Focusing in the UX8800 Processor for the pinnacle of performance in any venue

A passive 2-way full range system in a trapezoidal enclosure. 10-in LF cone, vented; 1-in exit HF compression driver, horn-loaded. 100 degree (conical) coverage pattern.

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(852) 2117 1197

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